前缀per-来源于拉丁介副词per,它基本意思是“through(通过)”,由此又引申出具有加强意义的“throughout(贯穿)、thoroughly(彻底)”及含有贬义的to destruction(毁坏)等意思(表示贬义的per-只出现在少数单词中,也就是表示贬义的per-派生出的单词比较少)。per-除上面的意思外,还有“intensive,falsely, excessive, by, by means f"等含义。per-是原生前缀,主要与拉丁动词词干结合,构成动词及其相应的名词或形容词。 下面重点来讲per-的主要意思“through”。 1.贯通,通过,穿过,经过 perspective, perceive, perspicacious 2.到处,这儿,那儿 pervade, permeate, perambulator 3.从头至尾,一直,始终 persist, perpetual, perennial 4.表强调[非常,完全地,彻底地] pertain, perturb, peremptory 此外,前缀per- 还有如下变形。 1.pel,pol(在辅音字母l前) pellucid,pollution 2.par- (在辅音字母d,s和元音字母a前] pardon, parson, paramour 3.pil(在辅音字母g前) pilgrim 4.por[在辅音字母t前] portend 例词: 1.persevere [per( =through,throughout) +sever( =serious)从头到尾始终非常严肃的]
vi. in+sth continue steadily in spite of hardship 忍耐;坚忍不拔;坚持不懈
perseverance 忍耐;忍耐性;坚持 persevering 有毅力的,有韧劲的;固执的;不屈不挠的
ex) lt's important to persevere, especially when you feellike quitting. .
坚持不懈是很重要的,尤其是当你想放弃的时候。 2.pertain [per( =intensive) +tain( =hold)紧紧抓住,紧紧贴住]
vi. to + sth belong as a part or accessory; have reference; be appropriate 从属,属于;和…有关;适合,符合
pertinent 相关的;恰当的 pertinence 适当,恰当 pertinently 恰当地
ex) He wrote a report on current copyright law as it pertains to email.
他写了一篇关于现行版权法的报告,主要涉及与电子邮件相关的内容。 3.perjury [per( =falsely) +jur(=swear, law)发假誓]
n. the act of making a false statement after taking an oath to tell the truth; wilful false statement 发假誓;作伪证 perjure 发假誓 perjurer 发假誓者;作伪证者
ex) The witness was convicted of perjury and fined $2, 000 dollars.
那个证人被宣判犯有作伪证罪,被处以2000美元的罚款。 4.perpetual [per( =through, throughout)+pet( =seek, strive)一直寻找]
adj. never-ending; going on for a long time or without stopping; continual; often repeated 永久的,永远的;无休止的,连续不断的,持续的;反复的,频繁的
perpetuate 便永远存在 perpetuity 永远,不灭;终生养老金 perpetuation 永存,不朽
ex) Maintaining a state of perpetual inner peace is a truth seeker's goal.
永远保持内心的宁静是真理追求者的目标。 5.persist [per(=through, throughout) +sist( =stand)从头至尾一直站着,坚持]
vi. refuse to give up when faced with opposition or difficulty; insist; continue to exist 固执;坚持;持续,存留
persistence 固执;持久;坚持 persistent 固执的;坚持的;持续存在的
ex)lt's difficult to persist with daily life tasks when suffering severe depression.
在情绪十分低落时很难坚持日常工作。 6.pervade [per( =through,throughout) +vad( =go)这儿、那儿到处去]
vt. spread through every part of; penetrate 遍及,渗透
pervasion 扩散,普及;渗透 pervasive 普遍深入的,影响深远的
ex) According to conservatives, harmful violence pervades a lot of television programming.
据保守主义者说,有害的暴力行为已渗透到许多电视节目中。 7.persecute [per( =through,throughout) +secut(=follow) 一直跟着]
vt. oppress cruelly for reasons of religion, politics,or race; trouble or annoy constantly 迫害;纠缠;为难 persecution 迫害;纠缠 persecutor 迫害者
ex)I was persecuted for months by an IRS representative who said I owed more taxes.
几个月以来,我一直被美国国税局人员纠缠,他说我欠交更多的税金。 8.perspective [per( =through,throughout) +spect( =look)通过某物看]
n. prospect; view; the art of drawing to show depth and distance 透视画法;远景,景观;(观察问题的)视角,观点,看法
ex) lt's difficult to get a good perspective on problems while they're occurring.
很难以恰当的角度来看待正在发生的问题。 9.perturb [ per( =intensive) +turb( =agitate)剧烈晃动,使动摇]
vt. disturb; make afraid or anxious 扰乱,使心烦意乱,使混乱;使不安,使担心
perturbation 心烦意乱,不安;混乱
ex) It perturbs me that you keep spreading false rumors about me.
你一直在散播有关我的虚假传闻,这使我感到不安。 10.peruse [per(=intensive) +us( =use)妤好利用书本]
vt. read carefully 熟读,精读 perusal 熟读,精读
ex)I perused the manual for hours, but couldn't figure out how the program works.
我将使用说明书仔细阅读了好几个小时,但还是没能弄清楚程序是怎么运行的。 11.perceive [per( =through) +ceiv( =take)通过某种事情抓住或理解]
vt. become aware through sight, hearing,touch,or smell; grasp mentally;
understand 察觉.感知:理解;认识到
perception 察觉,感知 perceptible 可以感觉到的 perceptive 有感知能力的,有洞察力的 perceptibly 可察觉地 imperceptibly 察觉不到地;极徽地
ex) Studies show that two witnesses can perceive the same event quite differently.
研究证明,两个目击者对同一事件的认知可能大不相同。 12.perennial [per( =through, throughout)+enn adj. continuing throughout the whote year; lasting for a very long time; living for more than two years 四季不断的;持久的;(植物)多年生的
ex) The perennial star Julie Andrews no longer sings, but still acts.
老牌明星朱莉·安德鲁斯不再演唱了,不过还在演戏。 13.perverse [per( =intensive, falsely) +vers( =turn)方向改变得不当]
adj. wilfully continuing in wrongdoing; wilfully choosing a wrong course 故意作对的;邪恶的,走上邪路的:不合人意的,有悖常情的,刚愎自用的;
perversity 固执;坏心眼,邪恶 perversion 曲解,歪曲;恶用,滥用
ex) He has a perverse character, always making problems for everybody.
他存心和人作对,常常给每个人制造麻烦。 14.permeate [per( =through) +me vt. pass,flow or spread into Bvery part of 浸透,渗入;弥漫,遍及
permeation 渗入,浸透;普及,弥漫 permeability 渗透性,可透性 permeable 可渗透的
ex) The smell of fish permeated the kitchen for days.
连续几天厨房里一直弥漫着鱼腥味。 15.pernicious [per( =through,thoroughly) + nic adj. injurious,harmful,fatal 有害的,致命的
ex)A pernicious computer virus is invading home computers and erasing their data.
一种破坏力极强的计算机病毒正在侵入家用电脑并删除电脑中的资料。 16.peremptory [per(=intensive) +empt( =take)采取强硬态度]
adj. not to be disobeyed or questioned; dogmatic; insisting upon obedience;
imperious (命令)断然的;独断的;强制的;专横的
ex) The constable issued a peremptory order for a 10 p.m. curfew.
这位警官发布了晚上十点宵禁的强制命令。 17.perfunctory [per( =falsely) +funct(=perform)假装做事]
adj. done as a duty or routine but without care or interest; doing things without concern or solicitude 随随便便的,得过且过的;敷衍的,马马虎虎的
perfunctorily 敷衍地;随随便便地;马马虎虎地
ex) The acquisitions editor only gave a pertunctory glance at the volume of poetry.
新书采购编辑只是随便瞟了一眼诗集。 18.perspicacious [per( =through) +spic( =look)通过某事来透视]
adj. quick to judge and understand 颖悟的,敏锐的,有洞察力的,聪颖的
perspicacity 敏锐,聪明,洞察力
ex) The chairman told me I was the most perspicacious student in his seminar.
系主任对我说,在参加研讨会的学生中,我领悟力最强。 19.pertinacious [per (=intensive) +tin( =hold)紧紧抓住的]
adj. not easily giving up what has been started; unyielding; determined 顽固的,执拗的,固执的;不屈的;坚决的
pertinacity 执拗,顽固,固执;(疾病)难治
ex) Anti-abortionists are one of the most pertinacious interest groups in America.
反堕胎主义者是美国最顽固的利益集团之一。 20.perfidious [per(=through,falsely)+tid( =trust)利用信任欺骗的或假装信任的]
adj. treacherous; faithless 背信弃义的,不忠的;不义的,不诚实的
perfidy 不义,不诚实;背叛
ex) The perfidious fiend gained my confidence and then stole my wallet!
vi. in+sth continue steadily in spite of hardship 忍耐;坚忍不拔;坚持不懈
perseverance 忍耐;忍耐性;坚持 persevering 有毅力的,有韧劲的;固执的;不屈不挠的
ex) lt's important to persevere, especially when you feellike quitting. .
坚持不懈是很重要的,尤其是当你想放弃的时候。 2.pertain [per( =intensive) +tain( =hold)紧紧抓住,紧紧贴住]
vi. to + sth belong as a part or accessory; have reference; be appropriate 从属,属于;和…有关;适合,符合
pertinent 相关的;恰当的 pertinence 适当,恰当 pertinently 恰当地
ex) He wrote a report on current copyright law as it pertains to email.
他写了一篇关于现行版权法的报告,主要涉及与电子邮件相关的内容。 3.perjury [per( =falsely) +jur(=swear, law)发假誓]
n. the act of making a false statement after taking an oath to tell the truth; wilful false statement 发假誓;作伪证 perjure 发假誓 perjurer 发假誓者;作伪证者
ex) The witness was convicted of perjury and fined $2, 000 dollars.
那个证人被宣判犯有作伪证罪,被处以2000美元的罚款。 4.perpetual [per( =through, throughout)+pet( =seek, strive)一直寻找]
adj. never-ending; going on for a long time or without stopping; continual; often repeated 永久的,永远的;无休止的,连续不断的,持续的;反复的,频繁的
perpetuate 便永远存在 perpetuity 永远,不灭;终生养老金 perpetuation 永存,不朽
ex) Maintaining a state of perpetual inner peace is a truth seeker's goal.
永远保持内心的宁静是真理追求者的目标。 5.persist [per(=through, throughout) +sist( =stand)从头至尾一直站着,坚持]
vi. refuse to give up when faced with opposition or difficulty; insist; continue to exist 固执;坚持;持续,存留
persistence 固执;持久;坚持 persistent 固执的;坚持的;持续存在的
ex)lt's difficult to persist with daily life tasks when suffering severe depression.
在情绪十分低落时很难坚持日常工作。 6.pervade [per( =through,throughout) +vad( =go)这儿、那儿到处去]
vt. spread through every part of; penetrate 遍及,渗透
pervasion 扩散,普及;渗透 pervasive 普遍深入的,影响深远的
ex) According to conservatives, harmful violence pervades a lot of television programming.
据保守主义者说,有害的暴力行为已渗透到许多电视节目中。 7.persecute [per( =through,throughout) +secut(=follow) 一直跟着]
vt. oppress cruelly for reasons of religion, politics,or race; trouble or annoy constantly 迫害;纠缠;为难 persecution 迫害;纠缠 persecutor 迫害者
ex)I was persecuted for months by an IRS representative who said I owed more taxes.
几个月以来,我一直被美国国税局人员纠缠,他说我欠交更多的税金。 8.perspective [per( =through,throughout) +spect( =look)通过某物看]
n. prospect; view; the art of drawing to show depth and distance 透视画法;远景,景观;(观察问题的)视角,观点,看法
ex) lt's difficult to get a good perspective on problems while they're occurring.
很难以恰当的角度来看待正在发生的问题。 9.perturb [ per( =intensive) +turb( =agitate)剧烈晃动,使动摇]
vt. disturb; make afraid or anxious 扰乱,使心烦意乱,使混乱;使不安,使担心
perturbation 心烦意乱,不安;混乱
ex) It perturbs me that you keep spreading false rumors about me.
你一直在散播有关我的虚假传闻,这使我感到不安。 10.peruse [per(=intensive) +us( =use)妤好利用书本]
vt. read carefully 熟读,精读 perusal 熟读,精读
ex)I perused the manual for hours, but couldn't figure out how the program works.
我将使用说明书仔细阅读了好几个小时,但还是没能弄清楚程序是怎么运行的。 11.perceive [per( =through) +ceiv( =take)通过某种事情抓住或理解]
vt. become aware through sight, hearing,touch,or smell; grasp mentally;
understand 察觉.感知:理解;认识到
perception 察觉,感知 perceptible 可以感觉到的 perceptive 有感知能力的,有洞察力的 perceptibly 可察觉地 imperceptibly 察觉不到地;极徽地
ex) Studies show that two witnesses can perceive the same event quite differently.
研究证明,两个目击者对同一事件的认知可能大不相同。 12.perennial [per( =through, throughout)+enn
ex) The perennial star Julie Andrews no longer sings, but still acts.
老牌明星朱莉·安德鲁斯不再演唱了,不过还在演戏。 13.perverse [per( =intensive, falsely) +vers( =turn)方向改变得不当]
adj. wilfully continuing in wrongdoing; wilfully choosing a wrong course 故意作对的;邪恶的,走上邪路的:不合人意的,有悖常情的,刚愎自用的;
perversity 固执;坏心眼,邪恶 perversion 曲解,歪曲;恶用,滥用
ex) He has a perverse character, always making problems for everybody.
他存心和人作对,常常给每个人制造麻烦。 14.permeate [per( =through) +me
permeation 渗入,浸透;普及,弥漫 permeability 渗透性,可透性 permeable 可渗透的
ex) The smell of fish permeated the kitchen for days.
连续几天厨房里一直弥漫着鱼腥味。 15.pernicious [per( =through,thoroughly) + nic
ex)A pernicious computer virus is invading home computers and erasing their data.
一种破坏力极强的计算机病毒正在侵入家用电脑并删除电脑中的资料。 16.peremptory [per(=intensive) +empt( =take)采取强硬态度]
adj. not to be disobeyed or questioned; dogmatic; insisting upon obedience;
imperious (命令)断然的;独断的;强制的;专横的
ex) The constable issued a peremptory order for a 10 p.m. curfew.
这位警官发布了晚上十点宵禁的强制命令。 17.perfunctory [per( =falsely) +funct(=perform)假装做事]
adj. done as a duty or routine but without care or interest; doing things without concern or solicitude 随随便便的,得过且过的;敷衍的,马马虎虎的
perfunctorily 敷衍地;随随便便地;马马虎虎地
ex) The acquisitions editor only gave a pertunctory glance at the volume of poetry.
新书采购编辑只是随便瞟了一眼诗集。 18.perspicacious [per( =through) +spic( =look)通过某事来透视]
adj. quick to judge and understand 颖悟的,敏锐的,有洞察力的,聪颖的
perspicacity 敏锐,聪明,洞察力
ex) The chairman told me I was the most perspicacious student in his seminar.
系主任对我说,在参加研讨会的学生中,我领悟力最强。 19.pertinacious [per (=intensive) +tin( =hold)紧紧抓住的]
adj. not easily giving up what has been started; unyielding; determined 顽固的,执拗的,固执的;不屈的;坚决的
pertinacity 执拗,顽固,固执;(疾病)难治
ex) Anti-abortionists are one of the most pertinacious interest groups in America.
反堕胎主义者是美国最顽固的利益集团之一。 20.perfidious [per(=through,falsely)+tid( =trust)利用信任欺骗的或假装信任的]
adj. treacherous; faithless 背信弃义的,不忠的;不义的,不诚实的
perfidy 不义,不诚实;背叛
ex) The perfidious fiend gained my confidence and then stole my wallet!