
act,ag = to do,to drive (做,驱使)


词根 ag 来自拉丁动词 agere 的词干部分,意思相当于英语的 to do (做)或to drive(驱使)。act 是个英语核心单词,其实它的前身 act 是ag的同源异形词根,来自agere(过去分词actus) 的动名词形式 actum 的词干部分,基本含义也是to do 或to drive。 1.act
v. something 行动:to act at once 立刻行动;2. function 起作用:The brakes wouldn't act. 刹车失录。3.take part in a play or film 扮演:Who is acting Hamlet ? 谁演哈姆雷特?
actor n.男演员;行动者
actress n.女演员
re-act v.重做,再做;重演,再演
overact v.演得过于夸张 2.action
n. 1. process of doing,or deed 行动,活动:Actions speak louder than words. 行动比语言更有说服力。
2.result of doing ,or effect 作用:the action of an acid on metal 酸对金属的作用
3.charge 诉讼:to bring an action against someone 起诉某人
actionable adj.可控诉的 (act = to do 做;-ive adj.= able 会......的) to do 活跃的,积极的:Although he is over 70,he is still active. 他虽然年过70,但依然很活跃。
activate v.使活动
activism n.[哲]能动主义;积极,活跃
activist n.活动分子,积极分子
activity n.能动性;活跃;[复]活动 4.actual(act = to do 做;-u-;-al adj.= the act or fact 表行为或事实)
adj.existing in fact;real 实际的;现实的:the actual amount of money 实际金额
actualist n.现实主义者
actuality n.事实,现在情况;现实性
actualize v.实行,使现实化 5.actuate(act = to do 做;-u-;-ate v.=to make or cause 使......)
v. cause to do 驱动,激励:What motives actuated her ? 什么动机驱使她这样做的?
actuation n.驱动,激励;开动 6.exact (ex- = out 出;act = to drive 驱使-->“to drive out;driven out 逼出来(的)”)
v.demand or obtain by force 强求,索取:He exacted obedience from his students. 他强要学生服从他。
adj.correct and without mistake 准确的,精确的:to be exact in conduct 行为一丝不苟
exacting adj.苛求的,严厉的;强索的
exaction adj.强索的;勒索;榨取
exactutude n.精确(性);严格,严谨 7.react (re- = back 回返;act = to do 做)
v. or act in reply 反应:She was slow to react. 她反应迟钝。 against 反动,反作用:to react against oppression 反抗压迫
reaction n.反应;反作用;反动
reactor n.引起反应的人或物;[原]反应堆
reactive adj.反应的;反动的 8.interact (inter- = between 在......之间;act = to do 做 --> “to do between two things 在两者之间互动”)
v.have an effect on each other 互相作用,互相影响:All things are inter-related and interacted on each other. 一切事物都是互相联系又互相影响的。
interaction n.相互作用;相互
interactant n.[化]反应物
interactive adj.互相作用的;[计]交互的 9.transact(trans- = across or through 穿过;act = to drive 驱使 --> “to drive through 使通过”)
v. carry on;manage 执行,办理:He transacted some business at bank. 他在银行处理了一些事务。
transaction n.办理,处理;交易,业务
transactor n. 办事人,处理者

vt.制定法律, 扮演, 颁布 *en(=in) 11.exactitude
n. 正确;精密;严正《-itude 抽象名词后缀》 12.inaction
v.不活动;懒散;怠惰《in- = not》
inactive adj.不活动的;不活泼的;懒惰的 13.agent
n.代理人;代理商;动作者;原动力(做的人) 14.agile
n.动作的敏捷;机敏 15.agitate
v. 震动;煽动 16.agitation
n.摇动;激动的状态;煽动 17.agitator
n.煽动者;游说者 18.agony
n.极大的痛苦;精神上的激动(缠绕心头) 19.cogent
adj.强有力的;使人信服的(劝动另人一起去)《co- = com- = together》 20.cogitate
v.思考;计划;设计 21.cogitable
adj.可思考的;可想象的 22.exigent
adj.急切的;紧急的;所需极多的(驱逐出去)《ex- = out;ig = act = to act》 23.prodigal
n.浪费者;浪子《拉丁文 prodigere = to drive forth》