
punct,pung(punc,pounc,polgn,pon,point) = to prick(刺),


词根来源于拉丁动词pungere,"to prick or stab",和拉丁名词punctum," point"。punc,pounc,poign,pon,point 等是它们的变形。同义词根有来自拉丁语的stinct/sting/stig/sti。 (*拉丁文pungere(=to prick)。过去分词是由“穿刺”引申为“(突出之)点”的意思。 —— 英文根字典)

1.compunction (用力地、狠狠地扎 com(=intensive)加强意义 + punct(=prick)刺 + -ion 名词后缀;“良心受到刺痛”-->内疚,后悔)
compunctious adj.内疚的,后悔的
compunctiously adv.后悔地
Some parents feel no compunction at beating their disobedient children. 有些父母因为孩子不听话崦打孩子时,从不感到内疚。 2.punctilio (突出的小点)
stand upon punctilios 过分拘泥于细节 3.punctilious (punct点,变尖,指,针+ilious→[做事]点滴不漏→小心的)
punctiliously adv. 谨小慎微地;拘泥于细节地 4.punctual (punct点,变尖,指,针+ual……的→着眼于一点的→限于一限于一点的→不偏不差的→)
punctually adv.严守时间地
(as) punctual as the clock (像钟表般)准时的
punctual to the minute 分秒不差,准时
be punctual for the lecture /in payment of one's rent 准时上课/按时交纳房租 5.punctuality (punctual[adj.严守时刻的,准时的,正点的]+ity表名词后缀→n.准时)
n.严守时间 6.punctuate (punct点,变尖,指,针+ -u- + -ate 动词后缀→加上点→加标点)
speech punctuated with cheers 不时被叫喝彩声打断的演说
punctuate one's remarks with thumps on the table 时不时敲击桌子打断某人的话 7.punctuation (punctuate[v.加标点于;不时打断]+ion表名词→punctuation标点)
punctuation mark 标点 8.puncture (punct点,变尖,指,针+ -ure 名词后缀→点[进去]→刺穿;(转为动词后为(用针)刺,刺破))
puncture an abscess /her husband's ego 刺破脓肿/刺伤自己丈夫的自尊心
Two of my tires punctured while i was on that stony road. 经过满是石子的马路时,我的两个车胎被扎破了。 9.expunge
v.擦去,抹去;删除 *ex(=out) 10.pungent (pung(=punct,punct通过音变g <-- ct,变成了pung)点,变尖,指,针+ent……的→尖的→尖锐的)
pungently adv. 辛辣地;刺激地
pungency n.辛辣;尖锐;刺激性
pungent sauce 辛辣的酱汁
pungent criticism /remarks /satire 尖刻的批评/话/讽刺 11.pounce
v.猛扑;突袭 *pounc The tiger pounced savagely on a mouse. 那只老虎猛地扑向一只老鼠。 12.punch (punch=punct点,变尖,指,针→n.冲压机,冲床;穿孔机 v.冲压,穿孔)
n.打孔;打孔机,穿孔机,冲压机;猛击,用拳头击打;力量;活力;潘趣酒(酒、果、汁、香料等混合而成的饮料)v.(用打孔机)打孔、冲孔;用拳头猛击 *punc give him a punch on the nose 对他的鼻子猛地一击
punched cards 打孔卡
punch him on the chin 对他的下巴猛地一击
face i'd like to punch 欠揍的脸
Punch-and-Judy show 英国滑稽木偶剧(主人公潘趣杀死了孩子和妻子朱迪,最终被判处绞刑)
(as) pleased / proud ad Punch 非常开心/骄傲的 13.poignant
adj.痛切的;伤心的;辛酸的 *poign poignantly adv.惨痛地;伤心地;辛酸地
poignancy n.辛酸;惨痛;伤心
poignant sorrow/regret/memories 彻骨的伤痛/深深的懊悔/痛苦的回忆 14.poniard
n.短剑,匕首 v.以匕首刺 *pounc v.(~to)指;显示,表示,表明;(~at)向...瞄准;指向...;(~out)指出;削尖(铅笔等);强调
n.要点,要义,论点;项目,细目;特点;瞬间,刹那;(钉子、铅笔、刀的)尖头,尖端;岬;(作为符号的)点;(空间、时间上的或想法的)点;(温度计、指南针等的)度;得分,评分;学分 *point The clock points to twelve. 时钟指向12点
Don't point a finger at a lady. 不要用手指着女士。
point a pencil 把铅笔削尖
miss the point 没抓住要点
What's the point? 重点是什么?
good /bad points 优点/缺点
turning point 转折点
at the point of the sword/bayonet 剑拔弩张
decimal point 小数点
the boiling /freezing/melting point 沸点/冰点/熔点
vantage point 优势地点
trading point 交易地点
to a certain point 到某种程度
score twenty points 得20分
Grade Point Average 平均成绩点数(缩写:GPA)
point system 驾驶违规的记分制度 16.pointed
adj.有针对性的(明确指向某人或行为);尖锐的 *point pointed reproof 尖锐的指责
show pointed attentions to the glamorous movie star 十分关注那位迷人的电影明星 17.point-bland
adj.(射击)近距离平射的;直截了当地 *blank(=white),point fire at point-blank range 近距离射击
point-blank refusal 直截了当的拒绝 18.pointer
n.指针;短毛大猎狗 *point adj.无意义的;没有目标的,无目的的;未得分的 **point pointless draw 零比零 20.appoint (ap加强+point指→指定)
v.任命,委任;指定(时间、地点等);约定;给...提供装备 *ap appointee n.被任命者 21.appointed
adj.指定的,指派的;约定的;设备好的 *ap at the appointed time 在约定的时间
his appointed task 指派给他的任务
well-appointed/badly-appointed library 设备好的/简陋的图书馆 22.appointment
n.指定;任命,作用;约会;职位,职务;(pl.)设备,阵设 *ap make /keep/break an appointment with him 约好和他见面/遵守约定与他见面/失约没去和他见面
get a good appointment in a business firm 在公司里谋求到一个好职位 23.disappoint (dis不+appoint任命→不被任命→使失望)
v.使失望;挫败(计划等);使(希望等)破灭 *dis(=away,apart),ap disappointed adj.失望的
disappointing adj.令人失望的,辜负期望的
disappointedly adv.失望地,灰心地 24.disappointment
n.失望;令人失望的人(或事物) *dis(=away,apart),ap to my great disappointment 令我极其失望的是
suffer many disappointments in love 经历多次失恋 25.acupuncture (acu尖+punct点+ure表名词→用尖[针]点→针炙)
n.针炙 26.punctate(punct 点 + -ate 形容词后缀,...的)
adj.缩成一点的,点状的 27.punctum(点,-um 名词后缀)n.斑点