汉:形容词以及名词后缀id意为"like,relating to that which"。
英:word-forming element meaning "belonging to, connected with, member of a group or class" (plural -idae), from French -ide and directly from Latin -ides, masculine patronymic, from Greek -ides. In astronomy, of meteor showers, it represents Latin -idis, Greek -idos, the genitive of the feminine patronymic suffix.
a suffix of nouns that have the general sense “offspring of, descendant of,” occurring originally in loanwords from Greek ( Atreid; Nereid ), and productive in English on the Greek model, especially in names of dynasties, with the dynasty's founder as the base noun ( Abbasid; Attalid ), and in names of periodic meteor showers, with the base noun usually denoting the constellation or other celestial object in which the shower appears ( Perseid ).
< Latin -id-, stem of -is < Greek: feminine patronymic suffix; or < Latin -idēs < Greek: masculine patronymic suffix -id2
a suffix occurring in English derivatives of modern Latin taxonomic names, especially zoological families and classes; such derivatives are usually nouns denoting a single member of the taxon or adjectives with the sense “pertaining to” the taxon: arachnid; canid .
< Greek -idēs -id1 , as singular of Neo-Latin -ida -ida or -idae -idae -id3
variant of -ide: lipid . -id4
a suffix occurring in descriptive adjectives borrowed from Latin, often corresponding to nouns ending in -or 1 , : fetid; humid; pallid .
< Latin -idus
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013. World English Dictionary
— suffix forming nouns
1. indicating the names of meteor showers that appear to radiate from a specified constellation: Orionids (from Orion)
2. indicating a particle, body, or structure of a specified kind: energid
[from Latin -id-, -is, from Greek, feminine suffix of origin] -id2
— suffix forming adjectives , — suffix forming nouns
1. indicating members of a zoological family: cyprinid
2. indicating members of a dynasty: Seleucid ; Fatimid
[from New Latin -idae or -ida, from Greek -idēs suffix indicating offspring] -id3
— suffix forming nouns
a variant of -ide
-ide or -id
— suffix forming nouns
1. ( added to the combining form of the nonmetallic or electronegative elements ) indicating a binary compound: sodium chloride
2. indicating an organic compound derived from another: acetanilide
3. indicating one of a class of compounds or elements: peptide ; lanthanide
[from German -id, from French oxide oxide , based on the suffix of acide acid ]
-id or -id
— suffix forming nouns
[from German -id, from French oxide oxide , based on the suffix of acide acid ]
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 1.fluid to flow as gases and liquids do 流动性的;易变的
n.substance that flows 流体 *flu (=flow)
例句:These regulations are hoped to bring some order to the fluid currency exchange markets.人们希望这些规定能够为目前不稳定的外汇市场带来秩序。
adj.clear,lucent 明晰的;明亮的;透明的 *luc (=light)
例句:His explanation was surprisingly lucid given the clifficult nature of the experiment.考虑到实验本身的难度,他的解说可谓是惊人地明晰。
adj.lively,active;intense,bright生动的,活泼的;强烈的;鲜明的 *viv (live)
例句:I have a vivid memory of exactly where i was and what i was doing when i first heard that the president had been assassinated.我清楚地记得最初听说总统被暗杀时我在何处,在做什么。
英:word-forming element meaning "belonging to, connected with, member of a group or class" (plural -idae), from French -ide and directly from Latin -ides, masculine patronymic, from Greek -ides. In astronomy, of meteor showers, it represents Latin -idis, Greek -idos, the genitive of the feminine patronymic suffix.
a suffix of nouns that have the general sense “offspring of, descendant of,” occurring originally in loanwords from Greek ( Atreid; Nereid ), and productive in English on the Greek model, especially in names of dynasties, with the dynasty's founder as the base noun ( Abbasid; Attalid ), and in names of periodic meteor showers, with the base noun usually denoting the constellation or other celestial object in which the shower appears ( Perseid ).
< Latin -id-, stem of -is < Greek: feminine patronymic suffix; or < Latin -idēs < Greek: masculine patronymic suffix -id2
a suffix occurring in English derivatives of modern Latin taxonomic names, especially zoological families and classes; such derivatives are usually nouns denoting a single member of the taxon or adjectives with the sense “pertaining to” the taxon: arachnid; canid .
< Greek -idēs -id1 , as singular of Neo-Latin -ida -ida or -idae -idae -id3
variant of -ide: lipid . -id4
a suffix occurring in descriptive adjectives borrowed from Latin, often corresponding to nouns ending in -or 1 , : fetid; humid; pallid .
< Latin -idus
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013. World English Dictionary
— suffix forming nouns
1. indicating the names of meteor showers that appear to radiate from a specified constellation: Orionids (from Orion)
2. indicating a particle, body, or structure of a specified kind: energid
[from Latin -id-, -is, from Greek, feminine suffix of origin] -id2
— suffix forming adjectives , — suffix forming nouns
1. indicating members of a zoological family: cyprinid
2. indicating members of a dynasty: Seleucid ; Fatimid
[from New Latin -idae or -ida, from Greek -idēs suffix indicating offspring] -id3
— suffix forming nouns
a variant of -ide
-ide or -id
— suffix forming nouns
1. ( added to the combining form of the nonmetallic or electronegative elements ) indicating a binary compound: sodium chloride
2. indicating an organic compound derived from another: acetanilide
3. indicating one of a class of compounds or elements: peptide ; lanthanide
[from German -id, from French oxide oxide , based on the suffix of acide acid ]
-id or -id
— suffix forming nouns
[from German -id, from French oxide oxide , based on the suffix of acide acid ]
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 1.fluid to flow as gases and liquids do 流动性的;易变的
n.substance that flows 流体 *flu (=flow)
例句:These regulations are hoped to bring some order to the fluid currency exchange markets.人们希望这些规定能够为目前不稳定的外汇市场带来秩序。
adj.clear,lucent 明晰的;明亮的;透明的 *luc (=light)
例句:His explanation was surprisingly lucid given the clifficult nature of the experiment.考虑到实验本身的难度,他的解说可谓是惊人地明晰。
adj.lively,active;intense,bright生动的,活泼的;强烈的;鲜明的 *viv (live)
例句:I have a vivid memory of exactly where i was and what i was doing when i first heard that the president had been assassinated.我清楚地记得最初听说总统被暗杀时我在何处,在做什么。